วันอังคารที่ 26 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2559

Narratives (continue)

week 4 : 26 January 2016
We read the second part of the story. 

A summary of the first part of the story. 

            Kylie feels left out from her mother and Philip's activities. She becomes interested in the chickens in the yard. Somehow her secret helps her to feel less lonely. She finds a second egg and then finds out where others are being laid by an unhealthy-looking hen. She shearing the secrets with the hen and her stepfather tells her that not to open the lid of the bore well but she does and she looks on her photo album and misses her father and wants to live with him.  

next, we summary of the second 

A summary of the second part of the story.

            Kylie watches the hen sitting on ten eegs, She takes the lid off the well, She starts go down the well with her photo album every day, She watches Philip and her mother and wonders why her father is not with them, Philip discovers her in the well and his her, Kylie throes the chicks down the well,Kylie hits the hen and throws it down the well, She chooses one special photo which makes her feel good and Kylie cuts off her head from the special photo and throws it away.

Then, teacher assinged us to answer the question. 

1. I admire dislike feel sorry for Kylie because frist time, I felt sad for Kylie because she feel pain exclude from her mother and Philip ,but last time I feel dislike Kylie because killed hen

2. I admire dislike Kylie's mother because she didn't take care her daughter.

3. I dislike Philip because he hits and abuses Kylie.

I think this text was hard to understand but I tried to find some word as I don't know. 


Week2 : Recount (continued)

Today, we continued to learn about "Recount". Before we started a new title, teacher answered the questions of last class that about "My grandpa's funeral in Toraja".

After that, teacher assigned us to summarize about "My Grandpa's Funeral"
I thought this text was hard because I didn't know the meaning of words. So I tried to find that meaning. 

 Next, we read the text before read the text  answered the questions of this text and exercise 4.

And there are 4 places that they walked down here.
- They walked down to the Education Centre.
- They went to the "First Farm" for listening about the information.
- They went down to a little spot in the Botanic Garden and had morning tea.
- They took us in a pyramid terrarium.

Then, we found the language features of the text.


                       What did recount help you learn English?

- I had gain some tips on forming sentences.
- Easy to understand clearly.
- Easy to read the text from other resource.
- I can find topics, main ideas and details from the story.
- I can summarize the story.
- I can find the meanings of expressions.
- I can analyse the the text. 

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2559

Week 1


Frist of all, Teacher talked with us about rule of class is

1.Be punctual.
2.Pay attention to the lesson.
3.Don't use cell phone in the classroom.
4.Don't cheat.
5.Follow dress code policy.
6.Listen while others are speaking or sharing.

and talked about webblog have purpose to talk about past time and write it in the past tense.

Then, we read and found 'when?, who?, what?, where?, action verbs, linking words and the last one is specific participants in "Furious Pace in Hockey Finals"

Next, teacher assigned us to do exercise 1 was "Our trip to Blue Mountain"and help to find the answer before break.

After, we did the exercise 2 this about "My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja"

Finally, teacher assigned us to do the question of the exercise 2, do exercise 3 and 4.Some word too hard but it's ok. This class I feel good and happy. I understand when teacher teach me. 

News 4