วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558

week 6 : Technology (continued)

On Sep 7 , 2015          
           I came to class on time. I had test about ' Healthy Diet and Natural Disasters ' for 1 hour. I felt serious with my answer because it's difficult for me. I learnt to continued from last week. we learnt about music news ,views ,write the answer in the text and read by scan. I hadn't a problem about reading because words easy and nothing difficult. Then, teacher told us "brake 15 minute". It make me felt relax. When we started to learn again. Teacher distribute sheet 'What is a search engine' for my group, assigned us to discuss with another group and assigned to sent agent go out to talk in front of the room. I thought it's difficult for someone can't understand one of that is me. I think we should to practice for listening. Teacher assigned us to write information. For this class I thought, I want to go bed andI known teacher thought that because she told us.

