วันเสาร์ที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

week 17

Week 17 : Learning Reflection

A Discourse Approach in Reading

This term we had to study 9 lessons. I know I payed for learning more last term because last term I got E grade  Each lesson was easy and hard. Sometimes I felt bed when I came to class late, sometimes I wanted to sleep hahaha I know that impossible and I can't.

I will show all lesson.

First, is Recount that have purpose is to tell what happened. There are 3 types of recount that are Personal Recount, Factual Recount, and Imaginative Recount. In a recount we use simple past tense to tell a sequence of events

2. Narratives are to entertain, i.e. to gain and hold the reader's interest in a story, to nourish and extend the reader's imagination. 

I think I like this lesson the most because when I read it I felt funny and I can imagine a  stories.

3. Descriptive is to describe and to reveal a particular person, animal, place, or thing. This lesson helps us visualize and understand a topic. In my opinion this is easy.

4. Procedure is to Telling us how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. The purpose is to tell the reader how to do or make something.

5. Procedure is the text that tell us how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. It has a purpose to tell the reader how to do or make something.

6. Cause/Effect is used to show how the facts or concepts result due to other facts, events or concepts. 

In my opinion this title was hard but I payed attention more. When I did exercise ,that make me understand more

วันพุธที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559


week 15 : Problem and Solutoin

week 15 : Problem and solution

29 march 2016

First of all, the teacher let us to know about the scores of video cooking presentation. I got 7 point, it make me feel very good cause I wish just 5 or 6. 

Today, we started to learn the last lesson, which is

 "Problem and Solution". This it was very hard lesson to me because is likely cause and effect.



        It seems like there has been a surge in teen pregnancies these days. Teen pregnancies make it very difficult for young mothers to pursue their dreams and meet the demands of an infant. Fortunately, most teen pregnancies can be easily prevented by using birth control; however, even birth control is not 100% effective. The most effective way to prevent teen pregnancies is abstinence, which is 100% effective.

Then, we did skill practice by circle the problem markers and highlighted the solution markers.

I think this lesson was hard because I didn't understand clearly and answered wrong during studying. So, I tried to pay attention in the classroom when teacher teach and should exercise more.

week 14 : Exemplification (continued)

Week 14 : Exemplification (continued)

21 march 2016

Today, I came to class on time. First of all, teacher checked name and  read text 2 'Fun things to do in Great Falls' from pages 56  for pronounce the vocabularies to us.

Then, we found the main idea of the text and  did exercise by matching the place with the activities, underlined them in the text, and highlighted discourse markers.

Next, we read text 3 that about Many hazards in the home and how to eliminate. Before found  Main idea, what is  Many hazards in the home that jeopardize a child's safety can be easily eliminated. 

After that, we highlighted the places in Great Falls. There are 6 places in Great Falls and we matched the places with the activities.

Finally, Teacher started to teach the new lesson by writing on the whiteboard, what was Problem and Solution and assigned us to works in group and did the diagram about each problems. my group make that topic what was problem and solution of fat people. 
when, we finished, I went to present in front of class only one.
In my opinion, I some word was hard but it not problem for me because I solved that by search it in dictionary on my phone.


Week 13 : Definition and Classification (continued) and Exemplification

week 13 : Definition and Classification (continued) and Exemplification

20 march 2016

In the afternoon, before we continued to learn  the teacher checked the student name again.

We read the text and found discouse markers, terms, definition and classificaion by highlight and circle on it. 

After that, teacher asked us what the main idea of the text is. The main idea is Anthropology, The study of man, Physical Anthropology and Culture Anthropology.

Then, we read text 2 about species of whales on page 53 and found the discourse markers and species of whales. I went out to front of class for writing the board.

The topic is Types of Whales or Species of Whales.

Main idea : There are two main categories of whales.

Toothed Whale  

Sperm whale

Killer whale or Orca


 Baleen Whale 

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ Baleen Whale

Then, I answered the exercise, which is true and false and I did it all corrected. In my opinion, this text was not hard. I was very confused when I highlighted so, I chose a different color for each three.

week : 12 Definition and Classification

week 12

 20 March 2016

 Definition  and  Classification 

Teacher showed power point that is the lesson 'Cause and Effect' about the Effect of Stress.

The Effect of Stress - Title is content word
Paragraph 1 - Introduction  main idea : Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.
Paragraph 2 - The effect of stress on physical health problem main idea : There are numerous physical effects of stress.
Paragraph 3 - The effect of stress on emotional health problem main idea : Emotions are also easily affected by stress.
Paragraph 4 - The effect of stress on mental health problem main idea : Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses.
Paragraph 5 - Conclusion main idea : It is obvious that stress is a serious problem.

These strategies will help us categorize and understand texts that contain technical terms, definition, and classification.

Before we had a break, teacher told us about midterm score. I got 11.5 point.

Finding the discourse markers was easy for me. Some exercise was difficult but I tried.

week : 11 Cause and Effect continued

week 11

15 March 2016 

 Cause and Effect  continued

First of all, teacher gave us to check the answers with friends. Next, she answered that about 'The Effect of Stress'

Then, teacher told us to find  the main idea. The main idea of this text is 'Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems'.

 Teacher told us to present VDOs about how to make something and we will study new lesson on Sunday.

This lesson was easy but sometimes I was confused between cause and effect. I solved by paying for attention.