วันพุธที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

week : 12 Definition and Classification

week 12

 20 March 2016

 Definition  and  Classification 

Teacher showed power point that is the lesson 'Cause and Effect' about the Effect of Stress.

The Effect of Stress - Title is content word
Paragraph 1 - Introduction  main idea : Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.
Paragraph 2 - The effect of stress on physical health problem main idea : There are numerous physical effects of stress.
Paragraph 3 - The effect of stress on emotional health problem main idea : Emotions are also easily affected by stress.
Paragraph 4 - The effect of stress on mental health problem main idea : Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses.
Paragraph 5 - Conclusion main idea : It is obvious that stress is a serious problem.

These strategies will help us categorize and understand texts that contain technical terms, definition, and classification.

Before we had a break, teacher told us about midterm score. I got 11.5 point.

Finding the discourse markers was easy for me. Some exercise was difficult but I tried.

