week 9 : Comparison and Contrast continued
13 march 2016
In the morning we started class at 9 o'clock. First of all, we continued to learn about Comparison and Contrast. The teacher gave us to compare the similarities and differences between New York and Paris subway systems and wrote on the whiteboard.
Main idea :
New York and Paris subway systems have both similarities and differences or there are similarities and differences between New York and Paris subway systems.
After that, we read the next text which is Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Katrina. When we had finished reading, she gave us to write on the board about the similarities and differences of them and to find main idea.
Hurricane Andrew
175 mph winds
Nearly 17 feet storm surges
$25 billion property damage
26 people died
It's stronger than Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina
category 3
120 mph winds
12 feet storm surges
$81 billion property damage
More than 1,800 people died
More destruction and fatalities
I think if I know about The discourse markers it can help me to find the similarities and differences. And I feel it easily understand when read.